Journal Papers

  • S. Almpani, P. Stefaneas, H. Boley, T. Mitsikas and P. Frangos. A Rule-Based Model for Compliance of Medical Devices Applied to the European Market, in International Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare (IJEACH), IGI Global, 2019.
  • K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas, Formal Analysis and Verification Support for Reactive Rule-Based Web Agents, in International Journal of Web Information Systems, Vol 12 Issue 4 pp.418-447 , 2016.
  • K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, An Algebraic Approach for the Verification of Context-Aware Adoptive Systems, in International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific, May 2015.
  • I. Ouranos, K. Ogata and P. Stefaneas, TESLA Source Authentication Protocol Verification Experiment in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ method: Experiences and Lessons Learned, IEICE Transactions, 97- D (5): 1160 -1170, Oxford 2014.
  • K. Barlas, E. Berki, P. Stefaneas and G. Koletsos, Formal Specification of Open Standards and the Case of RSS, Proceeding PCI '14 Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, pp 1- 6 Athens, Greece, 2014.
  • P. Stefaneas and I. Vandoulakis, Proofs as Spatio-Temporal Processes, Philosophia Scientiae, pp. 111 - 128, 19(1), 2014
  • A.Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Frangos, P. Stefaneas, A. Karakasiliotis and D. Kodokostas, Application of the Modified Signature Method for Terrain Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA , ISSN 1392 – 1215, VOL. 20, NO. 6, 2014
  • M. Dimarogkona and P. Stefaneas, Semantic Networks and the Theory of Institutions, Algebra and Model Theory 9. Special Issue, eds.: A.G.Pinus, K.N.Ponomaryov, S.V.Sudoplatov, and E.I.Timoshenko. Novosibirsk: NSTU. - P. 8-18, 2013.
  • P. Tsiavos, P. Stefaneas, and T. Karounos, The Transposition of European Union Open Data/Public Sector Information Policies in Greece: A Critical Analysis, Policy & Internet , Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 402 - 418, Wiley 2013.
  • N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, An Algorithm for Allocating User Requests to Licenses in the OMA DRM System”,IEICE Transactions 96 - D (6): 1258 - 1267, Oxford 2013.
  • N. Triantafyllou, K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, Proof Carrying Code using Algebraic Specifications, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics, vol.3, no.1, pp. 43 - 56, 2013.
  • P. Stefaneas and I. Vandoulakis, The Web as a Tool for Proving, Metaphilosophy Journal, 43 (4): 480 - 498, Wiley - Blackwell, 2012.
  • K. Barlas, G. Koletsos, P. Stefaneas and I. Ouranos, Towards a correct Translation from ASN.1 into CafeOBJ, Special Issue on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications of the International Journal of Reasoning - based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS) Volume 2, n. 3 - 4, pp 300 - 309, 2010.
  • I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, An Algebraic Framework for Modeling of Mobile Systems”, IEICE Transactions 90-A(9): 1986-1999, Oxford, 2007.
  • R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Ultraproducts and Possible-World Semantics in Institutions”, Theoretical Computer Science 379 no 1-2, 210-230. Elsevier, 2007.
  • R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Modalities in Open Institutions with Concrete Syntax, Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society, Vol. 49, pp. 89-99, 2004.
  • C. Georgiou and P. Stefaneas, Strategies for Accelerating the Worldwide Adoption of e-Commerce”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45 No. 4ve pp. 145-151, 2002.
  • P. Stefaneas, Chartering Second Order Logic . Romanian Academy Journal of Information Science and Technology, Volume 3, Number 2, p.p. 157–172, 2000.
  • P. Stefaneas, Chartering Modal Logic, An. Univ. Buc. Mathematics Informatics 48, no. 189–100, 1999.
  • P. Stefaneas, Chartering First Order Logic, An. Univ. Buc. Mathematics Informatics, An.Univ. Buc. Mat.Inform. 47 no. 1, 13–28, 1998.
  • P. Stefaneas, A Note on Eisenstein's Criterion”, Bull. Greek Math. 37 97–101, 1995
  • Conference Papers

    1. T. Mitsikas, S. Almpani, P. Stefaneas, P. Frangos and I. Ouranos. Formalizing Air Traffic Control Regulations in PSOA RuleML, in Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium and Challenge@ RuleML+RR 2018, hosted by 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018), volume 2204, 2018 (Rule Challenge Award Winner).
    2. S. Almpani, A. Gantzounis, and P. Stefaneas, Zero-Knowledge Proof Events: Ali Baba’s cave, ISSC 2018, Logics of Image, Visual Learning, Logic and Philosophy of Form in East and West, Kolymbari, Crete, August 2018.
    3. M. Dimarogkona, M. Addis, and P. Stefaneas, Syntax, Semantics and the Formalization of Social Science Theories , M. Addis et al. (eds.), Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences, Springer Synthese Library, 2018.
    4. S. Almpani, P. Stefaneas, H. Boley, T. Mitsikas and P. Frangos. Computational Regulation of Medical Devices in PSOA RuleML, in: Benzmüller C., Ricca F., Parent X., Roman D. (eds) Rules and Reasoning. RuleML+RR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11092. Springer, Cham.
    5. S. Almpani, P. Stefaneas, H. Boley, T. Mitsikas and P. Frangos. Object-Relational Rules for Medical Devices: Classification and Conformity, in: Panetto H., Debruyne C., Proper H., Ardagna C., Roman D., Meersman R. (eds) On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences. OTM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11230. Springer, Cham.
    6. M. Dimarogkona and P. Stefaneas, Institutions and Computer Ethics , Cryptography, Cyber-Security and Information Warfare, (Ed. N. J. Darras), Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Research Series, Nova, 2018.
    7. Sudoplatov, S. V., Kiouvrekis, Y., & Stefaneas, P. Generic constructions and generic limits, in Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications Vol. 219, pp. 375-398. Springer New York LLC.
    8. T. Mitsikas, P. Stefaneas, and I. Ouranos. A Rule-Based Approach for Air Traffic Control in the Vicinity of the Airport, in Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, volume 219, pages 423–438, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    9. S. Almpani, P. Stefaneas, and I. Vandoulakis. On the Role of Argumentation in Discovering Proof-Events, C3GI 2017, 6th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, Madrid, 2017.
    10. T. Mitsikas, N. I. Spanoudakis, P. Stefaneas, and A. Kakas From Natural Language to Argumentation and Cognitive Systems. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Commonsense Reasoning, COMMONSENSE 2017, London, UK, November 6-8, 2017, volume 2052 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2017.
    11. N. Angius, M. Dimarogkona, and P. Stefaneas, Building and Integrating Semantic Theories over Institutions , Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications , pp. 363 - 374, 2017.
    12. S. Almpani and P. Stefaneas,On Proving and Argumentation, 2017, AIC 2017, 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Larnaka 2017.
    13. I. Vandoulakis and P. Stefaneas, Mathematical Proving as multi agent spatio-temporal activity, Boris Chendov (ed.) Modeling, Logical and Philosophical Aspects of Foundations of Science, Proceedings of the round table on “Methodology of Mathematical Modeling and of Applications of Logical Systems in Scientific Knowledge”, 23rd World Conference on Philosophy (Athens, 2013), Vol 1, pp. 1-14, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2016.
    14. P. Stefaneas and I. Vandoulakis, On Mathematical Style and its Communicative Functions, Proceedings C3GI, Unilog 2015, Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabruck University, pp. 70-80, Volume 2 - 2015.
    15. K. Ksystra, N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas, Combining Algebraic Specifications with FirstOrder Logic via Athena, Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, THALES, Athens, Greece, July 1-3, 2015, Editors: Lambropoulou, S., Theodorou, D., Stefaneas, P., Kauffman, L.H. (Eds.).
    16. P. Stefaneas, I. Vandoulakis, H. Foundalis and M. Martinez, Collective Discovery Events: Web-Based Mathematical Problem-Solving with Codelets, Computational Creativity Research: Creative Machines. Tarek R. Besold, Marco Schorlemmer, Alan Smaill (eds.) pp. 371-372. Atlantis Press, Springer 2015.
    17. C. Mamakos, P. Stefaneas, M. Dimarogkona and J. Paine, Polytropos project: Experiments in Blending , Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention and General Intelligence (C3GI) - European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Prague, Czech Republic, Eds: T. Besold, K. - U. KÃijhnberger, M. Schorlemmer, and A. Smaill University of Osnabruk, Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, 2014.
    18. N. Angius and P. Stefaneas, Discovering Empirical Theories of Modular Software Systems. An Algebraic approach, Müller, Vincent C. (ed.) Computing and Philosophy: Proceedings of IACAP 2014, (Synthese Library) Springer: Berlin.
    19. N. Triantafyllou, K. Ksystra, P.Stefaneas, A. Kalampakas, Towards Formal Representation and Comparison of Video Content Using Algebraic Semiotics,Proceedings SMAP, Corfu 6-7 November 2014, pp. 48-53, IEEE 2014.
    20. K. Ksystra, N. Triantafyllou and P. Stefaneas, On Verifying Reactive Rules Using Rewriting Logic, Proceedings RuleML 2014. Antonis Bikakis, Paul Fodor, Dumitru Roman (Eds.): Rules on the Web. From Theory to Applications - 8th International Symposium, RuleML 2014, Co-located with the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, August 18-20, 2014, pp 67-81, Proceedings. LNCS Springer 2014.
    21. N. Triantafyllou, K. Ksystra and P. Stefaneas, On the Algebraic Specification and Verification of Parallel Systems, T. Margaria and B. Steffen (eds): Proceedings IsoLa 2014, Part II, LNCS 8803, pp. 623-624, Springer 2014.
    22. N. Triantafyllou, K. Ksystra and P. Stefaneas, The Picture Hyperoperation, Proceedings 12th AHA (Algebraic Hyperstructures Association) Conference, Xanthi, Greece, Sept. 2014 (to appear).
    23. K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas, and P. Frangos, An Algebraic Framework for Modeling of Reactive Rule-based Intelligent Agents, Proceedings 40th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOfSEM, January 25-30, 2014 Nový Smokovec, High Tatras, Slovakia. Viliam Geffert, Bart Preneel, Branislav Rovan, Julius Stuller, A Min Tjoa (Eds). Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Springer 2014.
    24. P. Stefaneas, I. Ouranos, N. Triantafyllou and K. Ksystra, Some Engineering Applications of the OTS/CafeOBJ Method”,, Specification, Algebra, and Software. A Festschrift Symposium in Honor of Kokichi Futatsugi (SAS 2014) 2014 Kanazawa, Japan. eds: S. Iida, J. Meseguer, K. Ogata, pp. 541-559, Springer LNCS Festschrift 2014.
    25. I. Ouranos and P. Stefaneas, “Towards a Protocol Algebra Based on Algebraic Specifications”, Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, Roger Y. Lee (Ed.) [selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, SERA 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 7-9, 2013]. pp. 85-98. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer 2014.
    26. L. Morgenstern, P . Stefaneas, F. Levy, A. Wyner, A. Paschke (Eds.), Theory, Practice, and Applications of Rules on the Web, 7th International Symposium, RuleML 2013, Seattle, WA, USA, July 11 - 13, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8035, Springer 2013.
    27. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, A. Karakasiliotis, P. Stefaneas, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, SAR Imaging: An Auto-Focusing method for Improving Image Quality and MFS Image Classification Technique, in Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Science and Engineering, Springer Optimization and its applications (SOIA) Volume 91, pp 199-215, Springer 2014.
    28. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Frangos and P. Stefaneas, SAR Image Terrain Classification using the MFS method, Proceedings Conference on Communications, Electromagnetics and Medical Applications (CEMA), 16-18th October 2014. pp 1-5, D. Dimitrov (Ed.) Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
    29. I. Vandoulakis and P. Stefaneas, Conceptions of Proof in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Moscow Seminar on Philosophy of Mathematics. In: Доказательство. Очевидность, достоверность и убедительность в математике. [Proof. Evidence, reliability and convincingness], Edition: Труды Московского семинара по философии математики, Publisher: URSS, Moscow, Editors: В.А. Бажанов, А.Н. Кричевец, В.А. Шапошников, [Bazhanov V.A., Krichevech A.N., Shaposhnikov V.A.] pp. 256-281, 2013.
    30. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, A. Karakasiliotis, P. Stefaneas, D. Kodokostas and P. Frangos, Application of an Autofocusing Algorithm for SAR Image Quality Improvement and Application of the Modified Fractal Signature (MFS) Method for SAR Image Classification for the case of Real Radar Data, Proceedings CEMA’13 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2013. D. Dimitrov (Ed.), pp. 108 – 111, KING, Sofia, 2013.
    31. C. Mamakos and P. Stefaneas, Polytropos Project: A Mechanism for New Media, Proceedings of the 9th Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress -Festival of ISIS-Symmetry (International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry), Special issue [1-4] of the Journal Symmetry: Art and Science. International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry. Budapest and Melbourne. pp. 230-235, 2013.
    32. K. Theologou and P. Stefaneas, Digital Symmetries of the Web and Postmodern Identities, Proceedings of the 9th Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress -Festival of ISIS-Symmetry (International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry), Special issue [1-4] of the Journal Symmetry: Art and Science. International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry. Budapest and Melbourne. pp. 322-325, 2013.
    33. I. Ouranos, K. Ogata and P. Stefaneas, Formal Analysis of TESLA Protocol in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ Method Proceedings ISoLA (2) 2012: 126-142. Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (Eds.): Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Applications and Case Studies - 5th International Symposium, ISoLA 2012, Heraklion, Crete, October 15-18, 2012, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer 2012.
    34. K. Ksystra, N. Triantafyllou and P. Stefaneas, On the Algebraic Semantics of Reactive Rules, Proceedings RuleML 2012. Antonis Bikakis, Adrian Giurca (Eds.): Rules on the Web: Research and Applications - 6th International Symposium, RuleML 2012, Montpellier, France, August 27-29, 2012. pp. 136-150, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer 2012.
    35. K. Ksystra, N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, Semantic Web and Algebraic Reasoning: Some First Applications Using Behavioral Specifications, Proceedings SMAP 2012: 81-86. Seventh International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP 2012, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, December 3-4, 2012. IEEE 2012.
    36. M. Vafopoulos, P. Stefaneas, I. Anagnostopoulos and K. O’Hara, A Methodology for Internal Web Ethics, in WWW2012, PhiloWeb 2012. Proceedings of the WWW 2012 conference workshop PhiloWeb 2012: "Web and Philosophy, Why and What For?" Lyon, France, Apr 17, 2012. Edited by Alexandre Monnin, Harry Halpin and Leslie Car. pp 1-9.
    37. C. Pandis, A. Malamou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, Applying the Modified Fractal Signature Method to Image Classification : Some Preliminary Results for ISAR Radar Images, Proceedings CEMA’12 International Conference, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, 8 - 10/11/2012. CEMA'12, Athens : Edit. Co. KING 2001, Sofia, ISSN : 1314-2100. Prof. D. Dimitrov(ed), pp. 50 - 52.
    38. K. Ksystra, N. Triantafyllou, K. Barlas and P. Stefaneas, An Algebraic Specification of Social Networks, Proceedings Software Quality Management Conference XX, Editors: E. Berki, J. Valtanen, P. Nykanen, M. Ross, G. Staples, K. Systa, British Computer Society Quality SG SQM/INSPIRE Conference, Tampere, Finland pp. 135-146, 2012.
    39. P. Stefaneas, I. Vandoulakis, H. Foundalis and M. Martinez, Web-Based Mathematical Problem-Solving with Codelets, Proceeding of the Workshop “Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI) ECAI-2012, Montpellier, France, August 27, 2012. Tarek R. Besold, Kai-Uwe Kuhnberger, Marco Schorlemmer, Alan Smaill (eds.). pp. 41-44. Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Volume 1 – 2012. Osnabruck, Germany, 2012.
    40. K. Barlas, P. Stefaneas and G. Koletsos, Extending Standards with Formal Methods: Open Document Architecture, Proceedings INISTA 2012. 2-4 July Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 1– 5, 2012 IEEE Conference Publications.
    41. P. Tsiavos, P. Stefaneas and T. Karounos, Financial Crisis and The Promised Land of Open Data, 'IPP2012: Big Data' Oxford Internet Institute 2012. [A shorter version (abstract) had been accepted at PMOD (Brussels 19-20 June 2012) organized by W3C and JRC-IPTS].
    42. I. Pappas and P. Stefaneas, On Legal Documents and Formal Methods, Proceedings of the 5th ICIL 2012 - Equity, Integrity & Beauty in Information Law & Ethics. Corfu 2012.
    43. N. Triantafyllou, K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, Applying Algebraic Specifications to Digital Rights Management Systems, in Andrew V. Jones (Ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Imperial College Student Workshop (ICCSW ʻ11), pp. 94–100. September 29th–30th 2011, London UK.
    44. P. Stefaneas, On Scientific Theories and Institutions, Proceedings 8th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, Ioannina, 4-8 July, 2011. [A shorter version titled On Scientific Theories and Abstract Model Theory has been presented at the 3rd EPSA 2011 (3rd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association), Athens, 5-8 October 2011].
    45. Prodromos Tsiavos and Petros Stefaneas, Hybrid Models for Open Digital Archives: Necessity?, Proceedings Forth International Seminar on Information Law ICIL 2011 Thessaloniki 2011.
    46. I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas, and K. Ogata, Formal Modelling and Veification of Sensor Network Encryption Protocol in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method, T. Margaria and B. Steffen (Eds): Proceedings ISoLA 2010, Part I, LNCS 6415, pp.75-89, 2010, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
    47. P. Stefaneas, Internet-Based Open Governance: the Case of Greece, Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment, Oxford Internet Institute, September 2010.
    48. N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas, I. Ouranos and P. Frangos, Formal Specification and Verification of the OMA License Choice Algorithm in OTS/CAFEOBJ method, R. F. S. Caldeirinha and M. S. Obaidat (Eds.): Proceedings WINSYS 2010 – International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pp 173 - 180, SciTePress 2010. Also, (after selection) at M.S. Obaidat, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and J. Filipe (Eds.): ICETE 2010, CCIS 222, pp. 424–438, 2011. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.
    49. K. KSystra, N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas, I. Ouranos and P. Frangos, A Parallel Version of the MPEG-2 Encoding Algorithm Formally Analyzed Using Algebraic Specifications, George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou (Eds.): Proceedings SIGMAP 2010 – International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pp 35 – 38, SciTePress 2010.
    50. P. Stefaneas, On Formal Methodologies for Computer Supported Computer Ethics, In M. Botti ed. Proceedings Third International Seminar on Information Law 2010 - An Information Law for the 21st Century, pp. 485-489, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2011.
    51. K. Barlas, G. Koletsos, I. Ouranos and P. Stefaneas, From ASN.1 into CafeOBJ: Some First Steps, Fourth SEE Workshop on Formal Methods, pp 66-72, IEEE Computer Society CPS, 2009.
    52. K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas, N. Triantafyllou and I. Ouranos, An Algebraic Specification for the MPEG-2 Encoding Algorithm, Fourth SEE Workshop on Formal Methods, pp 46-52, IEEE Computer Society CPS, 2009.
    53. N. Triantafyllou, I. Ouranos and P. Stefaneas, Algebraic Specifications for OMA REL Licenses, 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WIMOB 2009, Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, pp 376 – 381, Marrakech 2009.
    54. P. Stefaneas and R. Diaconescu, On Institutions and their Methodological Implications, Proc. 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, pp 173-178, Patras 2009.
    55. K. Barlas, G. Koletsos, P. Stefaneas and I. Ouranos, Towards a Correct Translation from ASN.1 into CafeOBJ, Proceedings International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), pp. 141-145, Trabzon, Turkey, 2009.
    56. I. Ouranos and P. Stefaneas, Verifying Security Protocols for Sensor Networks Using Algebraic Specification Techniques, Proceedings 3rd Conference on Algebraic Informatics, Thessaloniki, Lecture Notes Computer Science 4728, pp. 247- 259, Springer 2007.
    57. I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, A Formal Specification Framework for Ad-Hoc Mobile Communication Networks, Proceedings SOFSEM (2) pp. 91-102, Prague, 2007.
    58. I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas, et. al, Modelling Real-Time Authentication Protocols using Algebraic Specification Techniques - the case of TESLA Protocol, 23rd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Cracow, Poland, July 23-27, 2007.
    59. Α. Andreatos and P. Stefaneas, Interactive Educational Television: A Digital Bridge for the Knowledge Gap?, EDEN 2007, Annual Confernce, pp. 146 – 147, Naples, Italy, 2007.
    60. I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, A Formal Approach of Mobility Using CafeOBJ Algebraic Specification Language, 22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Turin, 2005.
    61. P. Stefaneas and G. Koletsos, Towards a Conceptual Framework for e-Learning: Visual Environments, Signs and Meaning, Proc. Fourth International Scientific and Technical Conference, Section A, pp 1-2, “Internet - Education - Science 2004” Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 2004.
    62. R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Abstract Modalities and Institutions, Proc. CombLog’04, Workshop on Combination of Logics: Theory and Applications, Lisbon, pp. 159-165, 2004.
    63. I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, An Algebraic Specification of Mobile IPv6 Protocol, Proc. International Conference Principles of Software Engineering (PRISE), p.p. 131-140, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004.
    64. I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, MobileOBJ: A Mobility Approach Using CafeOBJ Algebraic Specification Language, Proc. ICNAAM 2004, pp. 375-378, Wiley Publ, 2004.
    65. R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Modalities in Open Institutions with Concrete Syntax, Proc. 4th Panhellenic Logic Conference, pp. 85-88, Thessaloniki, 2003.
    66. G. Papas and P. Stefaneas, Virtual Career Guidance in Education, Proc. ED-MEDIA, AACE, Turku, Finland, p.p. 1442 – 1449, 2001.
    67. G. Papas and P. Stefaneas, Requirements and Management of IT Resources in Education, Proc. ED-MEDIA, AACE, Turku, Finland, p.p. 1450 - 51, 2001.
    68. A. Andreatos and P. Stefaneas, On Hierarchically Organized Networks – an Algebraic Approach, Proc. 2nd IMACS International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computing. Athens, pp. 128-132, 1998.
    69. Α. Andreatos and P. Stefaneas, Teaching Telematics via Telematics, Proc. NETIES 97 Ancona, 1997.
    70. J. Paine and P. Stefaneas, Everything is Not an Object, Proc. 6th Hellenic Congress in Informatics, Greek Computing Society, 74, pp. 1-9, 1997.
    71. P. Stefaneas, Chartering First Order Logic, Proc. 3rd International Conference “Developments in Language Theory”, Thessaloniki, pp. 579-592, 1997.
    72. T. Karounos and P. Stefaneas, Managing the Quality of Network Services within an Academic Environment, Proc. International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT’ 98)”, pp. 399-403, 1998.
    73. A. Andreatos and P. Stefaneas, Applying Category Theory to Computing Networks, Proc. Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Computing, pp. 1-5, 1996.
    74. P. Stefaneas, Randomized Specifications, Proc. 5th Hellenic Congress in Informatics, Greek Computing Society, pp. 581-588, 1995.
    75. P. Stefaneas, Randomized Computing Logics, Hellenic European Research on Mathematics and Informatics ’94, Proc. HERMES’94, Greek Mathematical Society, pp. 933-940, 1994.
    76. R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen and P. Stefaneas, Logical Support for Modularisation, Logical environments (Editors: G. Huet and G. Plotkin,), pp. 83--130, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1993.

    Technical Reports

    1. R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Possible Worlds Semantics in Arbitrary Institutions, Technical Report 7, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, 2003.
    2. C. J. Georgiou and P. Stefaneas, Strategies for Accelerating the Adoption of e-Commerce by Consumers Worldwide, Research Report RC 21277, IBM Research, 1998.
    3. R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Categorical Foundations of Modularisation for Multi-Paradigm Languages, Research Report IS-RR-98-0014F, School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1998.
    4. R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Modality in Open Institutions with Concrete Syntax, Research Report IS-RR-97-0046F, School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1997.
    5. P. Stefaneas, The Second Order Parchment, PRG-TR--9-93, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 14 pp., 1993.
    6. P. Stefaneas, Randomized Extensions of Categories, PRG-TR-14-93, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 3 pp., 1993.
    7. P. Stefaneas, Chartering a Logic: An Introduction, Technical Note, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 1993.
    8. P. Stefaneas, The First Order Parchment, PRG-TR--16-92, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 11 pp., 1992.
    9. P. Stefaneas, The Modal Charter, PRG-TR-29-92, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 8 pp., 1992.